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Picture of Heaven

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by Kelsey Fisk, EM Summer Staff in Black Mesa, AZ

The Navajo Summer Staff officially has only 7 days left on the Reservation, but last week's mission trip team brought a beautiful picture of heaven with them. Here are some awesome pictures from a week full of beautiful memories, along with what God has been doing in my heart. I hope you enjoy!

1. Houses in Poverty

Navajo Mission Trips

This "poverty" and homes that have been surrounding me the past 7 weeks have become "normal" to me. This hogan is one I go to everyday to pick up Jayton (seen above) for Kids Club. The horses in the background are free range and sometimes strut right in front of us, and the kids are often seen sitting or playing on the bed outside. Navajo culture has become such a part of my everyday life that I wonder what it will be like to return home. The "poverty" we are surrounded by in Indiana can be just as devastating but shown in completely different ways. I have grown so accustomed to the children not having running water, electricity, or an abundance of clothes. I do not have answers but only questions and prayers. Will I be able to handle the abundance my own community has? Will I get frustrated with all the complaints we have despite ALL the blessings we are suffocated with? Lord, let my return home be productive and Glorifying to you. Let the courage of these people inspire me in times of hopelessness. Lord, more than anything, help me be more and more like your Son; patient, full of grace, and ready to extend love even when people do not understand.

2. Kids Club was super fun!

Navajo Mission Trips

Play Dough animal making contest, my elephant won...just saying. :)

Navajo Mission Trips

Miss Kristin here LOVED swinging while watching an intense game of kick ball

Navajo Mission Trips

"Love Well" was our theme for the week and the kids loved their matching shirts from Rockland Community Church. I am sure I will be seeing them often this upcoming week.

Navajo Mission Trips

Amy and Sedrick show their intense Bball skills during their basketball show down.

Navajo Mission Trips

Car rides are the best. We pack them in, jam out to FROZEN, and enjoy the hills/bumps/sandy roads.

Navajo Mission Trips

And you're really blessed when the kids have ADORABLE baby siblings who want to cuddle and visit and laugh (except when I want to capture the moment).

3. Church and House Projects!

Navajo Mission Trips

Don't be fooled by the lack of photography this week on our projects, these kids/adults worked so hard and completed the entire painting of the upper room at the church, pre-tiling the floor, digging for Edison's house, tearing down and installing new insulation and dry wall in a congregation member's ceiling, and then painting it for them. It was so awesome to see them work hard and bond together and with the community.

4. Fun, Friends, Family

Navajo Mission Trips

These girls served me, hugged me, and loved me from the moment they arrived. I am so proud to call them my sisters!

Navajo Mission Trips

God makes beautiful promises.

This week was awesome. My God is so BIG. He does such great things when we offer ourselves as living sacrifices. Make us Holy and pleasing to you, Lord. Let this last week be all for you. Amen.

LEARN MORE | Register now for 2015 Navajo Mission Trips to Black Mesa!